Guggul health Benefits- Cholesterol Lowering Herb

White Gum Sores - Guggul health Benefits- Cholesterol Lowering Herb.
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Do you know about - Guggul health Benefits- Cholesterol Lowering Herb

White Gum Sores! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Guggulu, ordinarily known as guggul in Hindi language, is very leading and trustable herb in ayurvedic ideas of medicine. It is an leading content of very supreme ayurvedic classical medicines like yograj guggulu, kaishore guggul, triphala guggul, chandraprabha vati, arogyavardhani vati etc. It finds its use in approximately every kind of illness due to its miraculous treating power.

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How is Guggul health Benefits- Cholesterol Lowering Herb

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from White Gum Sores.

Commiphora mukul, biological name of guggulu or Indian bedellium as in English language, is a small shrub or a tree, which reaches a maximum of 4 - 6 ft in height. It bears thorns on its branches. It possess small leaves those very similar to that of a neem tree. Its flowers are of red in colour and bears fruit that are oval in shape and pulpy in nature. Guggulu is the gum resin that is being excreted by bark of the plant. It is ordinarily found everywhere in India.

Guggulu is an ushan virya herb i.e. It has hot potency, therefore has a killer instinct of the diseases cause by vata dosha prominence. But its effects are also seen in suppressing all the three aggravated dosha hence it works as tridosha suppressant. Guggulu gets these properties as it contains tickt and katu rasa. In chemical composition guggulu (extracted resin) consist of octanordammarana terpenes manusumbionic acid and manusumbinone as obtained from chemical analysis.
Guggulu is only used after purification (shudhikar) in milk; it should never be used in raw form.

As mentioned earlier guggulu is indicated in many ailments. Following are its few of the indications:

· Guggulu is very often used as an anti inflammatory and pain relieving herb by Indian herbal doctors, as it has ushan virya in potency thereby possess the power of suppressing vata which is pain causing factor.

· It has been very dominantly used in arthritic pains. It also possesses the property that helps in reversing the degenerative changes that has occurred in joint and bones. It helps in relieving pain and swelling. Due this property is also believed in strengthening nervous ideas of the body. Hence widely used in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Osteoarthritis, sciatica, paralysis, hemiplegia, lymphadenopathy etc.

· Guggulu is widely used in skin diseases as it acts as blood purifier. It promotes the yield of red blood corpuscles (Rbc) and improves the activity of white blood corpuscles (Wbc), which are helpful in fighting against any kind of infections. Guggulu is also known for enhancing our immune system. Good results are seen in leprosy and eczema.

· Guggulu is regarded as ayurvedic antibiotic and is blindly used in infectious diseases with great results.

· Guggulu finds its application in problems associated to heart. Great results have been seen in habitancy who suffer from high cholesterol levels. Vital lowering in blood cholesterol levels has been reported by regular use of guggulu. It helps in maintaining Ldl and Hdl levels in blood in normal limits.

· Guggulu has properties, which is indicated in hypertension. It helps in lowering in blood pressure levels and helps in maintaining it to normal levels.

· A good corollary has also been seen in reducing fat levels from body. As guggulu is ushan virya in property and has well penetrating power because of tickt and katu rasa, gives it the property that can be very helpful in obesity-realated problems. Ayurvedic physicians have used it as anti obesity agent since centuries.

· It also works in strengthening our digestive system, helps in easy secretions of digestive juices, works as appetizer, avoids indigestion and constipation, also useful in hemorrhoids and colitis. It is helpful in relieving from hyperacidity and belching. Good results have also been seen in liver associated problems.

· Guggulu is also seen helpful in upper respiratory tract infection. It works as expectorant by helping in suppressing kapha dosha, which is the main culprit in causing wet cough. Benefits are also seen in asthmatic conditions.

· A great advantage has been seen in patients suffering from renal calculi. It works as diuretic and also helps in crushing the calculus thereby relieving and treating a person from renal stones.

· Gargles done by guggulu water (guggulu dissolved in water) have been widely used in tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, upper respiratory tract infection, throat irritation, pharyngitis and stomatitis.

· It has been seen that by regular usage of guggulu helps in enhancing sexual quality and sperm count. It also helps in enhancing sperm quality. Therefore also works as aphrodisiac.

· Menstrual disturbances and painful menses are someone else disease where guggulu gives amazing results and has been a part of many classical ayurvedic medicines.

· Guggulu also works as rasayan i.e. Used in promoting youthnesss with longitivity. This is the theorize it is the part of customary rasayan known as Chawanprash.

Know more about Guggul, Guggul health Benefits, Cholesterol Lowering Herb, Guggul Extract, Supplements and Tulsi- Basil, Holy Basil (Tulsi) Benefits, Research, Uses, Supplements by visiting

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